Good Life – Birthday Girl Garland

Good Life – Birthday Girl Garland

It was Bailey’s Birthday last week, and to celebrate I did a Meri Meri Emoji themed table, and used this cute really inexpensive (2chf) BIRTHDAY GIRL garland that we will have in the shop. There is a boys one too and I have to say it made the whole space look...
Up to Good – The Tea Towel Ladder

Up to Good – The Tea Towel Ladder

One of the items that we would naturally sell are tea towels. I think it stems from the fact that my Mom has a huge collection and the love for a new seasonal towel has been passed on to me. As we will have quite a few, and one always needs to check out the full...
Up to Good – Fall Foliage

Up to Good – Fall Foliage

One of the things that I am planning to decorate each season are our windows. As open in October, it only makes sense that we bring in a bit of fall foliage. My idea is to have these “falling from the windows”… and so I opted for some fake versions...
Good Days – Birthday Traditions

Good Days – Birthday Traditions

It is Bailey’s Birthday today and one of the traditions I started earlier on with the girls is that depending on their age that is the number of gifts that they receive. Now Bailey is turning 12 and whilst 12 is a lot of pressies some are big and pricey but...
The Wallpaper

The Wallpaper

We are still going to work out eaxctly how we will hang it, but how lovely is this wallpaper that Rifle Paper Co. just designed that we are going to put behind the shop counter. It will totally make the space and then just above it I will hang our framed logo. OPTION...